Friday, November 11, 2011

Writing Contests

It was serendipity when I came across an advertisement for an essay contest last month...and I'm all set to get it typed and submitted, hopefully today.
You never know how or where your next writing opportunity will present itself, so all you writers out there: keep your eyes open! I almost missed this one.
And there's a cash prize :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Back again...

I'm finally writing again! The push I needed happened when I saw my article printed in the most recent issue of the Christ the King High School Alumni Magazine. That was such a kick - though I could have lived without having to send in a picture to accompany it...LOL!

Last week I sent in a copy of a previously published article of mine to a Christian ministry. Since relationships always seem to have hiccups  it still resonates, and I'm hopeful they'll be able to use it in their magazine.

More about this when I hear whether or not they might republish it.